Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Shepherd

Jesus is the Shepherd.
He is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down beside the still waters of my quiet time,
I find Him there, at my chair beside the window, cup of tea close by, Bible in lap, glasses perched on the old ewe's nose, pen in hand to write down what it is that He whispers to me, for I know my Shepherds voice.
I am His sheep
He is my rest, my encourager, my courage, my song.
He is my Chief Shepherd, Ruler, Sovereign, Determiner of my life.
He is my Good Shepherd, I trust in His mercy, love and grace.
He is my Great Shepherd, coming again, King over all, Ruler of the Universe
And my Shepherd
The Shepherd of this old ewe
thank you Lord.

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